Sunday, May 27, 2018

On This Memorial Day

Hello my maker friends. It's been a while. I have been very, very, busy. But I wanted to take the time on this long U.S. Memorial Day holiday weekend to pay my visual respects to all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that I may live in relative peace.

As you will see (mostly) down the right side of this post is a compendium of personal photographs taken over the last two decades (!) during various domestic travels near and far. The fact that I have been able to so freely travel is in itself a freedom for which I am most grateful. 

I have also been privileged to witness a protest or two, and that privilege I cherish above most others. As we, as a country, wrestle with all forms of protest and free speech, I hope we each remember that all the lives lost on the battlefield have gone to protect that most cherished right. Please, please, please, do not let it be infringed or eviscerated. 

I am no fan of war (as most people who know me know). Nevertheless, I can and do recognize all that our armed forces do willingly. I also sincerely hope that those in power do not needlessly put our armed services men and women in harm's way. Petty ego is no good reason to pick a world fight.

Please take a moment to think about what this holiday means to you and the impact those who have served and died have had on your life. If you are someone who has lost a loved one in the line of duty, you have my deepest respect. Your loved one's sacrifice is deeply appreciated by this grateful citizen.

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