Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Few Gift Ideas?

Well U.S. Thanksgiving is done and I hope you're all happily munching on leftovers. We are now in the grip of holiday gift buying and giving. I must admit I usually stick to my motto: if I can't make it or bake it, they don't get it. However, not everyone is as big-box-store-shopping-averse as me, and I thought a round-up of some holiday gift ideas might be in order. Heck, I might even buy some of these (if I haven't already).

Read my review of this amazing book here.

This has been a stellar year for knit and crochet books. Some that would make great gifts (along with some amazing yarn, of course!) are Dora Ohrenstein's Custom Crocheted Sweaters or Crochet Noro; on the knit side, how about Knit Noro: Accessories or the upcoming Kate Davies title The Colours of Shetland? Of course, one could gift my Accessories: Autumne 2012, which has both knit and crochet patterns. Just sayin.


For those who may have space or packaging restrictions to consider, how about a magazine? Again, there has never been a better time for handcrafters to choose a great magazine brimming with patterns and yarn ideas. The seasonal Interweave Crochet or Crochet! Magazine are both great; for knitters there's knit.wear (my new favorite magazine), Vogue Knitting or, for a slightly different twist (heavy on depth writing, slightly lighter on patterns) Knit Edge from Cooperative Press (which is only available electronically). Any of these can be purchased individually or gifted as a yearly subscription. Nice.

Fiber Gathering is a great book from which
to research ideas about the best fiber
gatherings in your region.
Crafting Experiences

Consider giving your favorite knitter or crocheter a crafting experience in 2013. There's (once again!) never been a better time to get out there and get one's craft on. Stitches, Knit and Crochet Shows, Vogue Knitting Live, various Interweave Knit getaways as well as smaller, more niche crafting experiences and fiber festivals are happening across the country in 2013. North, south, east or west, there has to be one close by for your giftee to attend and take a class that will inspire long after the class is completed. This is one gift your recipient will be absolutely thrilled to receive.

I'd love to hear some of your creative crafting gift ideas from past years. What have you given or received that has really stayed in your memory?


  1. Voie, I love your motto. I always war w/myself tho every year on whether to craft some gifts. Sometimes like this year it ends up last minute! I do want to cut down on expenses. Maybe next year I'll start up again and do small gifts.
    I've only received one handmade gift and that was the brown infinity scarf from my lil' sister. I wear it around the apt a lot as my neck gets cold esp when I sit in the living room by the big window. We had both signed up for the pay it forward and so I made her a purple slouchie that still needs to be photographed.

  2. Please stop showing me that Noro crochet book LOL
